

Page history last edited by Linda McD 8 years, 7 months ago

1960s miniature projects in dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas


1960's was the time for peace, love and hippies .


The mixer...

60s Bodo Hennig roombox
50er Jahre Einzimmerhaus Gottschalk
1960er Kaufladentüten Rückseiten
1960er Modella Küche - 60s Modella kitchen 2
1963 Prestofix - Wandrelief
You say you want a Revolution? Picmonogram and victoire roux with lizretros



Links to miniature 1960 inspired projects

  • photo albums, blog posts, webpages

Pay phone -  by Schifka

Dick Van Dyke Dollhouse - by Missy in Nashville

Die Puppenhaussamlaren & Baukasten - Prestofix 1963 - building set 

Retro Throwback, Reruns and a Beer - from Kitty and Kat Miniatures


1960 in Blogs

  • Blogs concentrating on 1960 or categories/labels about it in blogs


1960 Groups

  • Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to 1960.



Miniature 1960 Supplies for sale

  • Supplies needed for making 1960 projects.



Miniature 1960 inspired items for sale

  • Do you have a section for 1960 in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.

Modern Furniture and Appliances - SP Miniatures

RJT Miniatures - Rob Tukham  makes very nice miniature Lava Lamps that light up.


  • Books about miniature 1960 projects (also books with chapters about them)


Instructions for miniature 1960 projects


Miniature 1960 printables

1960 Wallpapers

  • Wallpapers that go well with 1960 projects

1960-70 Wallpaper - from Jennifers Printables

1960 ads - from Adflip


Other 1960 Printies

  • Book/magazine covers related to 1960

House and Garden December 1963 Gilbeys Vodka Ad60er Indanthren Tischdecken 260er Indanthren Tischdecken 11960er Kaufladentüten1960er Babi Kaufladentüten1960er Kaufladentüten Rückseiten1960er Kaufladentüten



Links for making 1960 projects

  • links to sites showing how to make items related to 1960

Bean Bag - from Casey's minis

Cone Shaped Fireplace - from 1 Inch Minis by Kris

Telephone Couch - very popular to have a place for the telephone and the phone book. from las minituras de Nulamary



  •  YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject



Research/ Inspiration about 1960


Miniature 1960 Tips/Hints


Ideas about what is needed for these projects

  • links to inspiring pages

1960's - Pinterest board by Gerda Koudjis

Blast from the Past - Pinterest board by Kathy Golden

Crazy fads - If you're looking for 'just the thing' to identify the decade your project is set in, this is a wonderful site

Year by Year

The 50's and 60's - Remember when

  • ideas for shop names
  • YouTube videos about the subject


Hits since 10th May 2009:

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