Miniature 1:144 scale projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas
Do you have a dollhouse in your 1:12 dollhouse? This is the scale for it.
Links to miniature projects
- photo albums, blog posts, webpages
1:144 house with Lights
1:144 Miniatures - Pinterest Board by Judith
1:144 projects - by Anita Lahue
Amazing Furnished Dollhouse - by Tipa
Anna-Carin Betzén's Miniatures
Beach scene - in sunglass case by Fern Rouleau, using HO train figures
Call of the Small
Fantasy Bliss House - scroll down to see finished project
Micro Mini Art Gallery - from My Minis by Evelyne
Micro Scale - Pinterest board by Jene (barbiegirl)
Projects - by Ullavo
Southwest House - by Dolores
Southwest Scene and others - by Alice
Stump House by Gerry, also see stump_house page
Toys In Miniature - Frances Armstrong
Walnut House - Nell Corkin
Walnut Dollhouse ~ includes pattern for micro crocheted rugs by Sharon Ojala
- Blogs concentrating on 1:144 scale or categories/labels about it in blogs
Nanotray - Maarten Meerman
MiniMinis - Nell Corkin
Opening Shops Scale 144 - incredible detail! by Frances Cavernuccio
The Pin Factory
- Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to 1:144 scale.
Micro Minis
Micro Minis Classroom
Kits for sale
Quilt Shop - by Ginger
Supplies for sale
- Supplies needed for making 1:144 scale projects.
Altoid Blanks - from Alpha Stamping
Altoid Blanks - from Clay Alley
Altoid Blanks - from Spiderchain
Fastenator Staple Bars - scrap booking product, can be used in creating furniture
Furniture for sale
Miniatures for sale
- Do you have a section for 1:144 scale in your shop? Add a direct link here.
A Sheila's Shed - all scales
David Wooton
Gibson Girl- Jean Gibson's Photostream
Golden Loom
In Some Small Way
Karen Cary's Miniatures - many scales
Minis 'n More - Laura Miller
Millers Engineering
HO figures - from Discount Trains on Line, scroll down for links to various companies
N Scale Accessories - Langley miniature Models (1: 148), white metal miniatures in UK N scale. They need to be painted yourself and are not as finely detailed as the plastic Preiser figures which are European N scale , but there are some nice animals and a good beach set etc.
Templewood Miniatures - flowers etc.
Trackntrains - N scale figures
Virtual Dollhouse and Miniature Exchange
- Books about miniature 1:144 scale projects (also books with chapters about it)
144 Scale in and Out
Instructions for miniatures
Miniature printables
- Wallpapers that go well with 1:144 scale projects
Free 1:144 Printable Wallpapers - from MicroJivvy
Other Printies
- Book/magazine covers related to 1:144 scale
1:144 Printable Dolls House - Mini Christmas Decorations by
Rugs - from Microjivvy site
- links to sites showing how to make items related to 1:144 scale
1:144 Antiques Galore - from Small Packages
Micro Turning - Lee Valley Newsletter, by Maarten Meerman (vol 5, issue 3)
- YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
How to Make a Tiny Desk - from Tiny House
How to make Kitchen Cabinets - from Tiny House
Research/ Inspiration
- Micro scale" or "dollhouse for your dollhouse" houses and furniture (1:144).
- N gauge trains (1:160), buildings, and accessories.
- 1:144 model cars.
- 10 mm war game figures and terrain.
- To convert QS plans to Micro scale divide the measurements by 3 or 33.3%. 1mm = 6 inches (or near enough) in 144th scale and it's a handy quick check.
Example sizes
- Ceilings should be about 1" tall.
- Doors will be more than 1/2" tall, proportioned to work with ceiling height.
- Adult dolls will be about 1/2" tall.
- Rooms probably won't be more than 1" deep, usually less due to access with low ceilings
- Paint two whole peppercorns, put them in bead caps to look like topiaries
- To hinge a door in 144th to use a long strip of very fine white tulle reinforced with a thin coat of watered down white glue. If you are sparing with the glue you use to fasten it to the door assembly, the strip will add very little to the thickness of the parts, and as the full-strength glue seeps into the holes in the mesh, the hinge is very sturdy once dry and almost invisible. It is next to impossible to use even the smallest metal hinge on 144th house fronts without the hinge ruining the alignment of the front wall when closed, as there is really no extra depth in a 144th wall to recess a hinge plate. Piano hinges can be made from thin copper sheeting and long lace pins, which is an improvement on a purchased hinge, but still too bulky to eliminate gaps at the corners.
- Untearable Tyvec envelopes can be used for hinges as well.
- For fencing, look for brass etched sources such as Scale Link. More delicate than laser cut fencing.
- N scale German and American figures are 1/160 scale which really makes them too small for 1/144 scale houses. The British N scale figures are nearer 1/144. There is a Table Top scale in railroads which is 1/120 scale, perfect for the Baby Houses so many micro miniaturists have.
Ideas about what is needed for these projects
1/144 Scale Dollhouses - Pinterest Board by Kate Miles
- ideas for shop names
- YouTube videos about the subject
Hits since 4th May 2009: 
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