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New American Girl - You can order a catalogue from it as well as view the dolls. To view the new 25th special edition group, put in Special Edition Mini Dolls...and it shows each one of them. The original group of 7 mini dolls in the original clothes of their 18" counterparts are just listed as American Girl Mini Dolls. It does say all the dolls are 6" tall. Neglected to say they each come with a mini abridged version of their doll's first book.
Books about miniature American Girl Doll projects (also books with chapters about them)
Instructions for miniatures
Miniature printables
Wallpapers that go well with American Girl Doll projects
Other Printies
Book/magazine covers related to American Girl Dolls
links to sites showing how to make items related to American Girl Dolls
YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
In celebration of their 25th anniversary this year (2011), American Girl dolls have put out a special edition of NEW mini dolls....I bought all of the first ones when they came out, dressed in the original clothes that their 18" counterparts had on with original purchase. I assumed they were just re-issuing the same dolls, as they had disappeared out of the catalogue for awhile. Au contraire! This Special-Edition group, as they're called, are now in their "dress up" clothes (see page 28) - and absolutely adorable!!! They include Samantha, Felicity, Kirsten, Addy, Molly, Josefina, Kaya & Kit. Kit is coming out Aug. 1 - they won't sell it before then...I tried to pay for it and just have them drop ship her. Plus, there are two more to be issued in Sept and Oct...figure they have to be Rebecca and Julie. If you still need any to complete your set of the originals...see page 18 of the new catalogue...they include all of the above except for Samantha, Felicity and Kirsten. I'm listing the names in case you want to order them and don't have a catalogue as I'm guessing these are going to fly out the door...it says they're only available "until Dec. 31, 2011 or while supplies last". They're $22 each. AGD's toll free number to phone in your order is: 800-845--0005.
Research/ Inspiration
American Girl Mini Rooms, released in October 2000, were small collections of display furniture set up in miniature rooms/dioramas. The line was canceled a few years later.
Rooms each had an optional lighting base and system.
They are 1/12 scale and were very expensive. They are very collectible now.
Sometimes you can find these items on Ebay if you do a search for AG Minis, but they are usually fairly expensive.
Comments (2)
Linda McD said
at 11:46 pm on Jul 26, 2011
The formatting has gone kafloey! Please check.
Linda McD said
at 3:21 am on Jul 27, 2011
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