Miniature beads and other bead projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas
Vanity bottles, drawer handles. bubbles in the bath - what do you use beads for?
Links to miniature bead projects

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- photo albums, blog posts, webpages
Bead Projects - by Priitukka
Miniature Beads in Blogs
- Blogs concentrating on beads or categories/labels about it in blogs
Miniature Beads in Groups
- Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to beads.
Miniature Bead Supplies for sale
- Supplies needed for making bead projects.
Fire Mountain Gems
Over the Rainbow
Shipwreck Beads - findings and tools as well
No Hole Beads
Belara Beach - among DIY supplies listed on this page
Iris Glass bubbles - assorted sizes - Cynthia Howe Miniatures
Microbeads - from Minikitz
Microbeads - from the Craft Outlet
Glitter Beads - from Lisa's Heaven
No Hole Beads - Dragonfly International
No Hole Beads - American Science and Surplus, scroll down page
Miniatures Bead Projects for sale
- Do you have a section for bead projects in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.
Miniatures Beads in Books
- Books about miniature beads projects (also books with chapters about them)
Building Miniature Houses and Furniture (1977). - Dorie Krusz gives fantastic instructions for building up balusters and furniture using beads and sequins. When painted and antiqued they are quite effective. A great book for inspiration.
Instructions for miniature bead projects
Miniature Bead Printables
Miniature Bead Wallpapers
- Wallpapers that go well with bead projects
Other Miniature Bead Printies
- Book/magazine covers related to beads
Miniature Bead Project Links
- links to sites showing how to make items related to beads
Bindels Ornaments - workshops
Miniature Projects Using Beads - from
Using No Hole Beads - from Micro Jivy
Miniature Bead Videos
- YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
Miniature Bead Research/ Inspiration
Miniature Bead Tips/Hints
- Use your mini eye. Look at necklaces in thrift stores, think about shapes - make a vanity tray with various glass beads.
- Some long cylindrical beads can be canisters or bottles.
- Seed beads can be placed on a pin and pushed into a drawer front for handles.
- tiny no-hole beads can be used as trim on clothing, or bubbles in the bath
- Use Aileen's Fast Grab or Jewel-it or E-6000. Don't use superglue with beads as it will dull the finished product.Use a spaghetti to grab the bead. Just moisten the tip, touch the bead with it and it'll hold the bead long enough for you to place it where you wish. Use an earring pin or a toothpick inside the beads to hold them in place while the glue dries. Be careful when you apply the glue (don't use too much) so as not to glue the pin in place too. When the set is glued, just remove the pin. Don't apply the glue directly from the bottle - squeeze a small amount onto a palette, and apply with a toothpick..
heads of dolls for dolls
microbeads simulate beaded/embroidered clothing embellishments, to decorate cakes, decorate bags For example, find a black background print with a tiny floral element and centre it over a purse base made of Fimo. Add glue to one section at a time, use tiny nohole beads to fill in each colored element, including gold and silver, and then clear crystal beads on the black.
candle holders
vases and planters
bottles, jars
chandeliers, lamps
furniture feet
"turned" wooden dolls
lots of kinds of toys
beaded curtains
as weights inside pillows
eyes for animals and people
bunches of grapes
square wooden bead makes a tissue holdes
Ideas about what is needed for these projects
- links to inspiring pages
- ideas for shop names
The Bead Goes On
Bead it!
String Fever
- YouTube videos about the subject
Hits since 11 Oct 2009: 
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