

Page history last edited by Linda McD 13 years, 5 months ago

Dollhouse & miniature event calendar



This calendar below is meant for activities of Mini treasures wiki and for global miniature activities.

You can add upcoming events to the calendar, which lists current and future activities. Just so you know, if you have a blog, this calendar can be embedded and will show current dates and events on your blog. Check it out!  The Littleroomers blog is making use of the calendar.

If you want to show the events on your web page (e.g. blog), use one of the RSS gadgets available (in Blogger it is called Feed). Add this link and you will be able to share the coming events easily on your own page. :)


Having a show? Get it in there! Encourage bloggers to embed the calendar so you get maximum exposure. The content is consistent, and up to date.


Want to submit your event?

Click on detailed entry and type in your information.

Place information in the appropriate boxes:

  • name of event
  • date - If there is more than one day to the event, and different opening times, enter each day separately.
  • notes: location, admission price and contact information. 



Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar


Now if you want to have a miniature themed calendar for your desk, Lesley Shepherd from has a project for you. Unfortunately it does not incorporate the information from the calendar below.




Printable 2011 calendar sized for an empty CD Case

Model Horse Calendar - from 2011



Hits since 21 Apr 2009: 


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Comments (5)

Linda McD said

at 1:49 am on Aug 13, 2010

I came back to this page to see if I could insert the calendar into my Facebook page.
I have done this for Littleroomers, but now have no idea how I accomplished it! Seems to me the help page was a lot easier and more informative.

And what about Facebook? Would that not be an ideal way to get people to use the calendar? is it possible, Johanna?

johanna janhonen said

at 11:15 am on Aug 13, 2010

great idea linda, i need to study if i can make it. and if we have a fb guru here, contact me and offer some help with this :)

Linda McD said

at 10:36 pm on Aug 14, 2010


Linda McD said

at 7:14 pm on Jun 17, 2011

I created a folder for this page, as when I do a search I come up with advent calendar files, not the event calendar. It takes time to search the wiki for the calendar file. Are we any further forward on getting the calendar on the facebook page?

johanna janhonen said

at 11:33 pm on Jun 17, 2011

I am sorry - totally forgot about this. For a calendar in Facebook we need an application. There are some available but they about friends birthdays. Does anyone know one we could use?

Good that you created a folder for this :).

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