As Miniature hens, chickens, roosters and other chicken related projects in dollhouses and dioramas
Chickens are associated with Easter, eggs, and food
Links to projects
- photo albums, blog posts, webpages
Barnyard scene
Chickens - from Miniature Projects
Chicken Coop - by Jolie. Scroll down to see.
Chicken Coop - by Kay in AZ
Chicken Shack - by Del Blackmore
Chickens - by Wanna in El Paso
Flying the Coop - by Connie Sauve
Hen's Feathers- by Jirps2
Hen - by Kasin-tehty
Hen House - by Kurjenpolve
Hen House - chicken themed shop by SonjaLuycx
Tiny Chick - by Lilla
- Blogs concentrating on chickens or categories/labels about them in blogs
- Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to chickens.
Supplies for sale
- Supplies needed for making chicken projects.
Miniatures for sale
- Do you have a section for chickens in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.
- Books about miniature chicken projects (also books with chapters about them)
Instructions for miniatures
Miniature printables
- Wallpapers that go well with chicken projects
Other Printies
- Book/magazine covers related to chickens
Search for Chicken Rugs, Chicken Art or Artwork, chicken tiles, cushions, tea towels, chicken clipart or clipart scenes and Chicken Kitchen Decor gives a wide range of images and ideas, from clocks to pictures.
Chickens and Roosters - from EJTile Design, bespoke designs. Scroll down the page.
The Chicken or the Egg - from Decorative Materials, As the Tile Turns
Chicken tea towel
- links to sites showing how to make items related to chickens
Chicks from Pompoms - from
Chicky Chick Tut - by Spatula Sisterhood. Gumpaste modeling.
Delux Chicken Coop - from Instructables, in RL scale but can be scaled down to mini
Feathered Chicken - from
- YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
How To Build a Chicken Coop - from Modelissimo Fantasy
Research/ Inspiration
Ideas about what is needed for these projects
- links to inspiring pages
- ideas for shop names
- YouTube videos about the subject
Hits since 19 Aug 2009: 
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