Miniature fairy-tale and Nursery Rhyme projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas
Once upon a time... and they lived happily ever after. See also castle, frog, pea, gnomes and witches.
Cottages, castles and Victorian castles have turrets.
Also see books
Links to miniature projects
- photo albums, blog posts, webpages
Fairy-tale Competition - Nukkekotielämä (Finnish group)
Fairytale Dolls- by BellaBelle
Fairy Godmother Travelling Sales Wagon - by Nicola Battilana for Alpha Stamps
Fairy Tales - Micro-minis Online Convention 2011
Fairyland Caverns - home of mursery rhyme characters
Four Fairy-tales in a Box - by Eija
King Midas - from the Two Guys in Texas
Little Boy Blue - by Alice Zinn
Little Match Girl - by Rita Pierce
Mother Goose's Cottage - by Wanna in El Paso
Mystery House - by Dick Tabor
More Book Projects - by Dick Tabor
Mother Goose - by Prebble in Small Packages
Nursery Rhyme House - by Juanita Sellers
Ogre - from Donna's Curios
Old Woman in a Shoe - by Donna Hager
Princess and the Pea - from My Tate Gallery by Maryanne T
Princess and the Pea - from the Enchanted Doll on Pinterest
Rapunzel's Tower - by Jill in Dollhouse Projects
Seven Dwarves - by Char
Storybook - a Minidoll List project
Wind in the Willows - Mole End by Rita B in Germany
- Blogs concentrating on fairy tale projects or categories/labels about them in blogs
- Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to fairy tale projects.
Supplies for sale
- Supplies needed for making fairy tale projects projects.
Miniatures for sale
- Do you have a section for fairy tale projects in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.
Cinderella's Glass Slipper - from Out of the Ordinary
Rapunzel - from Whitehorse Studios
- Books about miniature fairy tale projects projects (also books with chapters about them)
Instructions for miniatures
Miniature printables
- Wallpapers that go well with fairy tale projects
Other Printies
- Book/magazine covers related to fairy tale projects
Hey diddle diddle
Twinkle Twinkle
- links to sites showing how to make items related to fairy tale projects
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary - 1/4 scale project
Pink Stone Fairy Cottage - from Instructables, making a turret
Shyna, the Unicorn Whisperer - by Wanna in El Paso
- YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
Building a Mini Shoe House - by Mr Pheak
Research/ Inspiration
Charles Perrault - French folktales
Folktexts - library of Folktales
Hans Christian Andersen - Danish - Little Mermaid, Thumbellina, Steadfast Tin Soldier, Little Match Girl, Ugly Duckling
Joseph Jacobs - collector of British folktales
List of FairyTales - from wikipedia
Little Princess - Pinterest Gallery by Kate West
Mistress Mary's Garden - Pinterest Gallery by Kate West
Myths, Folklore, Fairytales
Mother Goose in Prose - by Frank Baum
Mary Poppins - Pinterest Gallery by Kate West
Princess and the Pea - from Deviant Art
Secret Garden - Pinterest album by Kate West
Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm - collectors of German folktales
Mystery Houses and Book Projects
- Some miniaturists have created houses for the local library. They contain references to nursery rhymes and children's stories and children are encouraged to look for all the clues to them. (see book projects by Dick Tabor in list above)
- Look at the pages, decide which pages look best for the scene......hopefully they are somewhere in the middle of the book so it looks mostly even. Pose the book pages as desired in a 90 degree angle. Then I use tacky glue and glue every page to the next one one side and then on the other. I use clips up and down, about 16 to 20 in all. Then when they are all glued, make the floor to fit either in between the sides or have the book on can do it either way. Then use blue painters tape to reinforce the glue of the floor to the walls.
Idea links to inspiring fairy tales pages
Fables, Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes - by Ivy Joy
Of Kings and Queens and Faery Tales on Pinterest - by Shi W
Once upon a Time Wiki - lots of stories here!
Online Fairy Tales Page - folk tales, fables from around the world
R John Wright - Pinterest board - enchanting, Winnie the Pooh characters, adorable mice, fairies
Wind in the Willows - New movie? from Slash film
Ideas for shop names selling fairy tale miniatures
Once upon (a time)
Happy endings
Olipa kerran (Finnish)
(Continue the list)
Hits since 22 Sep 2009: 
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