

Page history last edited by Linda McD 1 year, 7 months ago


Miniature furniture projects for dollhouses, room boxes, and dioramas

See the wiki pages with furniture tag and DIY_Tricks_of_the_Trade

See doors for hinges 


Links to miniature furniture projects



  • photo albums, blog posts, web pages 

Desk Vignettes - by Susan from NY

Dollar Store Furniture - from St Albert Minis

Polyclay Furniture - by Zoota


Miniature Furniture Blogs

  • Blogs concentrating on furniture or categories/labels about it in blogs

Elga's Miniatures - Elga Kloster from South Africa

Inch by Inch Miniatures - by Miss Kris

Little Boxes and 1:12 Miniatures - outstanding!

Miniatures by Shane - Shane Downes, furniture, and room boxes


Miniature Furniture Groups

  • Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to furniture.


Miniature Furniture Supplies for sale

  • Supplies needed for making furniture projects.

Heritage Laserworks - decorative trims 

Hinges - from Alcraft Egg Artistry

Hinges -

Hinges - Micro-Mark

Hinges - Phoenix Model Developments, If you buy in bulk and tell them you're a reseller (aka furniture craftsman), then you will also get a good discount.

Les Chinoiseries - fabrics and wallpapers

Naked Furniture - by Handley House

Screws - from Amazon Supplies


Miniature Furniture for sale

  • Do you have a section for furniture in your shop? Add a direct link here.

Ann High

Arlette's Miniatures - styles ranging from Tudor to modern

Bubba's Minis - country style furniture and accessories

Inch by Inch Miniatures - by Miss Kris

Lee's Line - wholesale dollhouse furniture


McQueenie Miniatures - UK

Michael Walton

Miniature Wood Creations - by Patrick Kinney of Minnesota. Also stocks exotic in-scale wood.

Petite Princess Furniture

Riverswood - laser cut items by Ellen Crane


Miniature Furniture Books

  • Books about miniature furniture projects (also books with chapters about it)

Making 1/12 Scale Wicker Furniture for the Dolls' House- by Sheila Smith

Cabinetmaker's Guides. The first Cabinetmaker's Guide has been on the market since 1963, nearly 50 years ago. There are now 10 workshop books in the series, as well as 6 workshop books in the "Best of The Scale Cabinetmaker" series. Dorsett Publications is in the process of re-releasing all 20 years of The Scale Cabinetmaker on cd-rom (volumes 1 through 10 are currently available). Each Cabinetmaker's Guide comes with an introduction to scale modeling and an explanation of the techniques used the projects included in the book. For the most part, the project can be completed using hand tools (although power tools certainly make some of the projects a bit easier). Each book includes accurate plans and patterns for enough furniture to furnish a dollhouse, including living room or parlor, dining room, kitchen, and at least two bedrooms. The online catalog provides a full list of the specific plans included in each workshop book. The Best of TSC Series also includes a variety of technique articles as well. Current period workshop books from Dorsett Publications include: 

The Cabinetmaker's Guides to Dollhouse Furniture

      • 19th Century Country Furniture (Volume 1)--by Helen Dorsett
      • Victorian Furniture, 1850-1880  (Volume 2) -- by Helen Dorsett
      • Jacobean and William & Mary Furniture (Volume 3)--by Helen and Jim Dorsett
      • Queen Anne Furniture, 1750-1785 (Volume 4)--by Helen and Jim Dorsett
      • Turn-of-the-Century Oak Furniture, 1890-1915 (Volume 5)--by Helen and Jim Dorsett
      • French Furniture, 1715-1870 (Volume 6)--by Helen Dorsett
      • Overstuffed Furniture, 1875-1950 (Volume 7)--by Helen and Jim Dorsett 
      • Half Inch Furniture (Volume 8)--by Helen Dorsett 
      • Basic Federal Furniture, 1788-1825 (Volume 9)-- by Helen Dorsett 
      • Shaker Furniture, 1790-1850 (Volume 10) --by Helen Dorsett 

The Best of The Scale Cabinetmaker 

      • The Toys of Christmas, 1858-1935 ( Volume 1)--Meghan and Jim Dorsett
      • Kitchen Cabinets, 1890-1930 (Volume 2)--Meghan and Jim Dorsett
      • Kitchen Appliances, 1915-1931 (Volume 3) -- Meghan and Jim Dorsett
      • Dollhouse Power Supplies (Volume 4)--Jim Dorsett 
      • Arts and Crafts Furniture (Volume 5)--Jim Dorsett 
      • Hand Woven Caning (Volume 6) -- Jim and Helen Dorsett 




Instructions for miniature furniture

Miniature Furniture Printables

Miniature Furniture Wallpapers

  • Wallpapers that go well with furniture projects

Other Miniature Furniture Printies

  • Book/magazine covers related to furniture

Furniture Plans - by Ma Maison de poupee 


Miniature Furniture Links

  • links to sites showing how to make items related to furniture

Antique Globe - Dadas Dollhouse 

Armoire - from The Spruce

Bin Pulls - from The Spruce

Breakfast Bar and Stools - Julie Warren

Built-in Bookcase - Dada's Dollhouse

Butterfly Box and Frame - EZ DIY Miniatures

Cardboard Dollhouse Furniture - by Pyjama Mama

Cardboard Furniture - by Crooked Brains

Chest of Drawers - Dada's Dollhouse

Dollhouse Trunk -  CDHM tutorial by Debbie Dixon-Paver

Fretwork by Meubles Miniatures (French)

Furniture Plans - by the Amateur Woodworker

Gilt Bronze Mounts - Dada's Dollhouse

How to Make and Upholster a 1” scale chair - from 1 inch Minis blog

Lawn Chair, Part 2 - TeensyWeensy Miniatures

Little Architecture - furniture tutorials

Mortise (Cutting) by Meubles Miniatures (French)

Ottoman (Leather), Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - by 1-Inch Minis

Painted Furniture - from New England Miniatures

Park Bench - TeensyWeensy Miniatures

Preparation and Cutting Speeds by Meubles Miniatures (French)

Rework and Refinish Simple Dollhouse Furnishings - from The Spruce. 

Reworking Inexpensive Furniture - by Wanna in El Paso

Shabby Chic Bed - 1 Inch Mini

Sofa from Scratch - Jennifer's Miniatures

Step Ladder - by JI Colin

Stool - Julie Warren

Storage Unit and Trays - Julie Warren

Transform Cheap Plastic Furniture - from Making Dollhouse Miniatures

Tufting Technique - from 1-inch minis

Twig Furniture - from The Spruce

Twig Furniture Tips - from Annie's Minis

Upholstery - by The Spruce

Upholster Using Fusible Web - from Magpie Shines Blogspot

Upright Piano - Dada's Dollhouse

Work with Furniture Styles - from The Spruce 


Miniature Furniture Videos

  •  YouTube videos about miniature furniture projects

Wardrobe- from Little Bits and Pieces by Julie . She has numerous other furniture tuts on YouTube 

Dollar Store Chest Makeover  - from Queen City Miniatures 

Miniature Hinges - from Just Surprise Me




Miniature Furniture Research/ Inspiration

1:12 Scale Miniature Furniture Sizes - from Lookaside, a PDF form for common furniture

Bespaq Furniture - description from The Spruce

Furniture Design Standards - RL, convert to scale, from Woofbin

House of Miniatures (HOM) Info page

Miniature Modern and Vintage Furniture and Roomboxes - Pinterest album by Ronda Vallejo

Seating Expert - lots of RL ideas and measurements for not only booths but tables, bar stools, lobby furniture, etc.


Miniature Furniture Tips/Hints

  • To improve the look of unfinished inexpensive or tab and slot furniture, round off any exposed, rough edges. Use wood filler to fill in tabs or spaces between joins. Allow to dry thoroughly, and sand smooth. To add dimension, use a small blob or sausage of wood filler to build out areas. Allow to dry and sand again. Use a tack cloth to remove sanding residue. A string can be used for trim details such as moldings. Consider using the piece as a framework for upholstery.
  • Google (dresser, highboy, whatever) and get the measurements and then convert it down to 1 inch to 1 foot, and go from there. Also look at RL woodworking instruction books/sites.
  • You can create some very nice miniature caning using 28 count Penelope canvas. It has the 2 verticals and the 2 horizontals. With color matching thread (I used quilters thread) you just weave the angles. Look on the internet (Google images) and you'll get some good pictures. Even google caning supplies. You may need to buy a small book for instructions. It can be a little tricky counting holes but turns out very well.
  • Decals for furniture - Cut out a colored picture from a magazine and apply three coats of clear nail polish or varnish to the front of the picture. Let each coat dry! When it is dry - soak the clipping varnished side up in a dish of water for three or four minutes - carefully rub away the soggy paper. Trim the decal to size and apply it to the object with a light coat of white glue. When dry, seal the decals with another coat of varnish. Use decals right away because they become brittle.
  • Magical Drill Press - discusses some of the tools Tom Walden uses to make his furniture pieces
  • Drawer pulls - staples, beads, "eye" part of the hook and eye. For a more modern look, cut off the rounded end of assorted sized and coloured paper clips, drill holes and glue. 
  • Furniture feet - use push pins
  • Try gluing lace or embossed paper to wood creating a carved effect to your furniture. This was done on a canopy bed here. Glue or string can be used as well.
  • HOM kits - the period dictates mahogany stain. Do that before you put the kit together.  The only parts you need to sand are those that don't come together the way they should.  Don't sand the edges, a close fit is necessary to make them look right.   Dry fit all parts before gluing.  Use gunstock oil to finish the piece - with a spray or a tin can container, applied with a finger.  It has a silky finish.  Sand the coats with a piece of brown paper bag. 

Ideas about what is needed for furniture projects

  • links to inspiring pages

How to Refinish Furniture - TLC Home

Furniture Sizes  - from Engineering - RL sizes, can be converted to scale

  • ideas for shop names
  • YouTube videos about the subject
  • Facebook links

Bureau - from Sylvia Leite  


Hits since 1 Sep 2009: 


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Comments (1)

Enchanticals said

at 2:47 am on Dec 22, 2009

You can also find miniature furniture for sale at Enchanticals, my Etsy shop. Please visit
:) Marsha

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