

Page history last edited by Linda McD 7 years, 11 months ago

Miniature gingerbread projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas


Gingerbread men, cookies and gingerbread houses. See also Christmas and Villages


Mini Gingerbread House Snowpeople

Links to miniature gingerbread projects



Miniature gingerbread men
Edificai sua casa.
Making Gingerbread Men

Miniature gingerbread house - walls

House of Candies
Miniature ginger bread house

Ac151216 Little stuff
  • photo albums, blog posts, webpages

20th Annual Gingerbread Village - Seattle

Gingerbread Cart - from Pinterest ,

Gingerbread Cottage - by Tiffani, in Greenleaf Forum

Gingerbread Cube - by Peggy Fowler

Gingerbread House - by Chris V.

Gingerbread House - by Connie  Sauve, the China Doll

Gingerbread House - by Teresa Layman

Gingerbread House - from Dolls House emporium

Gingerbread House and Prep Board - from Melanie's Miniatures

Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread Houses - from Renovate your World

Gingerbread House Challenge - CDHM I-Magazine

Gingerbread House Contest 2011 - by This Old House

Gingerbread Kitchen - by Raggedy  Kingdom

Gingerbread Man - from CDHM I-mag

The Gingerbread Man - Wanna in El Paso 

Gingerbread Scene by Clay Minisd

Home of the Gingies - by Vesi Koleva, a charming scene with gingerbread people

Miniature Gingerbread house -  this Hansel and Gretel house won creative contest 2013

Prize Winning Gingerbread House - from Spluch

Saltbox Gingerbread houses - Google search

Santa Gingerbread Bakery - by Fannye in TX


Gingerbread in Blogs

  • Blogs concentrating on gingerbread or categories/labels about it in blogs


Gingerbread Groups

  • Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to gingerbread.



Miniature Gingerbread Supplies for sale

  • Supplies needed for making gingerbread projects.


Miniature Gingerbread  for sale

  • Do you have a section for gingerbread in your shop? Add a direct link here.

Gingerbread houses - by Ellen Kennedy

Laser Cut Gingerbread Men - by Paggy Fowler



  • Books about miniature gingerbread projects (also books with chapters about it)


Instructions for miniature gingerbread 


Miniature gingerbread printables

Gingerbread Wallpapers

  • Wallpapers that go well with gingerbread projects


Other Gingerbread Printies

  • Book/magazine covers related to gingerbread

Gingerbread boxes - from

Gingerbread Chapel - from Celebrating

Gingerbread Houses - from We Love to Illustrate

Highclere Castle - from Martha Stewart


Making Miniature Gingerbread Projects

  • links to sites showing how to make items related to gingerbread

25 Amazing Gingerbread Houses - from Buzz feed

Gingerbread Brownstone - from Kitchen Table Scraps

Gingerbread House - from YouTube, unable to embed this??? but the link works

Gingerbread Candy House - from Polyform Products

Gingerbread House - from Polymer Clay Express

Gingerbread House Templates - from Gingerbread Recipes

Libkuchen: Gingerbread it is not - from Ashdown Tips and Tricks - by Poly Morris

Sugar and Spice - Joanne Swanson 



  •  YouTube videos about miniature gingerbread projects



Gingerbread Research/ Inspiration


Miniature Gingerbread Tips/Hints

  • Gingerbread Houses -  Use cardboard, timber or Fimo to make the houses or a box of erasers. Cut up the eraser for the shape of the house and use cardboard for the roof, then mix white paint and baby powder with a sprinkling of glitter for the snow. Erasers are easy to cut. Coloured or striped erasers with red, yellow and green stripes can be shaped as small-scaled gifts under the tree for small scales.

  • Try using white string to mimic icing trims.
  • Make candy cane porch rails and supports with white and red Fimo.



Ideas about what is needed for gingerbread projects

  • links to inspiring pages

Christmas Gingerbread Stall

French Stall Selling Gingerbread, inside the stall

Gingerbread House - from Once upon a Time

Gingerbread House Card - from Dining Room Drawer

Gingerbread Houses 101

Gingerbread Houses - from This Old House

Gingerbread Houses - Pinterest board search

Gingerbread Houses for all Seasons - Pinterest board by Kundry

Gingerbread House Card

Gingerbread Window Display - take a look at the sleigh

Gingerbread Village Scene

Literary Christmas - gingerbread houses bases on books, from Booklicious

National Gingerbread Houses Competition - Asheville NC, 2010

National Gingerbread Houses Competition -  2012

Tracing the Origins of the Gingerbread House - from Wilton cakes

Ultimate Gingerbread

World's Largest Gingerbread House

  • ideas for shop names
  • YouTube videos about the subject



Hits since 20 Oct 2009: 

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