Dollhouse miniatures and dolls magazines in different languages
Feel free to write readers reviews to describe the magazines to other miniaturists.
Also, see books for reference material, book for little magazines for little people
In Danish
In Dutch
In English
Internet Magazines (I-mags)
Artisans in miniature - free web magazine (Reader reviews: )
The Miniature Way - CDHM Magazine
In Finnish
Magazines for members of Nukkekotiyhdistys (Reader reviews: Great pictures and interesting projects featured in many scales, published four times a year), Päijät-Hämeen nukkekotiyhdistys and Suomen nukkeyhdistys are available for members only.
In Japanese
Dollybird (Reader reviews: )
Dolly Dolly (Reader reviews: )
Dolly-Style Magazine (Reader reviews: )
My Favorite Doll Book Series (Reader reviews: )
In Spanish
Miniaturas (Reader reviews: beautiful big pictures, inspiring magazine for all miniaturists even if they do not know Spanish)
In Swedish
Miniatyrvärlden (Reader reviews: )
Wiki members featured in dollhouse magazines

Hits since 14th Apr 2009:
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