
Photographing miniatures, dolls, dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas

Pictures are an important medium, providing a way to share our treasures with other miniaturists all over the world. This page is for collecting photography  tips. It also features famous photographers taking pictures of miniatures.


See also


Also see scrapbooking, and craft rooms




Shooting Miniatures - a Day in the Life of - Caroline McFarlane-Watts

Macro setup


Build a Simple Photo Booth - for under $20, from Italian Horses

Build your own Lightbox - from

Cardboard Lightbox - from 

DIY $10 MacroPhoto Box

Home Made Light Box - by Nora Jean

Light Box - by Stephanie Brown

Make a Set Backdrop - from

Mini Photography - from Greenleaf Forum

Photographing Mini Shows - from

Photo-box - CDHM Tutorial

Photobox - Anna Carin's Tutorial

Photo Tips - by Elizabeth McInnes, Facebook

Photography - read photography articles, browse photography equipment and digital camera reviews

Photographing your Clay Creations - from New Clay News

Photography Hints

Photographing Miniatures - from Dollhouse Miniature Resource

Photographing Miniatures - from Tiny Tin Men

Photographing your Clay Creations - from the New Clay News

Photography 101  - from Tinycrafts, links to useful tutorials

Photoexpress -  a watered down version of Adobe Photoshop software and it allows the user to make basic editing to their photographs online before sharing them.

Photoshooting and Making Videos - from Marion Swift blog

Picresize - crop and resize your images

Staging Models for Photography - from Swannys Models

Take Good Pictures - from the Creative Doll

Watermark - identify your work, prevent copying





Dongedy Frame - featured in Creativadoration




Hits since 10 July 2009: 

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