

Page history last edited by Linda McD 9 years, 3 months ago

Miniature pirate projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas

Also see beach, water, bars

See also mermaids, sushi, Mediterranean, ice  boats  marine fish  boxes and seafood


Pirate captain's room

Links to miniature pirate projects

Pirate dancer by Lee Ann - The pirate mice are Wee Forest Folk


a question of scale 2
  • photo albums, blog posts, webpages

Kolton's Getaway - by Rita Pierce

Pirates in a Bar - by Minna

Pirates in Jail - by Connie Sauve, from Disney's Pirates of the Carribean ride

Pirate Wench - by Cam

Captain's Quarters - by Minna

Treasure Island - by Minna

Pirates Cave - from Cristina Caballero

Pirate's Chest

Pirate Queen

Pirate Story - by 

Treasure Cave - by Wanna in El Paso


Pirate Blogs

  • Blogs concentrating on pirates or categories/labels about them in blogs


Pirate Groups

  • Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to pirates.


Pirate Supplies for sale

  • Supplies needed for making pirate projects.


Miniature Pirates for sale

  • Do you have a section for pirates in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.


Pirate Books

  • Books about miniature pirate projects (also books with chapters about them)


Instructions for miniature pirates


Miniature pirate printables


Pirate Wallpapers

  • Wallpapers that go well with pirate projects


Other Pirate Printies

  • Book/magazine covers related to pirates

Pirate Stock Photos - from Canstock

Pirate Treasure Map- from Printmini 


Pirate Links

  • links to sites showing how to make items related to pirates

Lady Pirate Costume - from Miniature Art

Pirate Hat (11-steps) - from

Pirate Issue - Frills and Fancy Magazine

Skull Pattern Cross-stitch -  by Minna


Pirate Videos

  •  YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject


Pirate Research/ Inspiration

  • All about Pirates - want to know about pirate movies, books, weapons, ships and biographies of real pirates? The Pirate King has it all!
  • Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Long John Silver was one of the characters, and many TV and movie versions have been made.
  • Robinson Crusoe - by Daniel Dafoe


Miniature Pirate Tips/Hints

Ideas about what is needed for these projects

- maps

- bottles/kegs of rum, brandy/grog

- rope, ships wheel, pistol

- booty..treasure!!! Maybe a pile of coins punched out of silver and gold paper or polymer clay coins, some gems strewn about the pile? A bit of gold chain...chest to hold it all

- crow's nest

- sails
- plank to walk, sharks circling boat
- damsel with hand tied, waiting for rescue, or lady pirate!
- ships wheel
- rope
- skeletons
- spyglass, navigational instruments
- peg leg and hook hand
- blunderbuss and powder horn, pistol, swords
- parrot
- skull with an eye patch
- tri-corner hat
- pirate flag, skull and crossbones


Links to inspiring pages

Costumers Guide to Pirates of the Carribean

Nautical Miniatures - from 

Pirate Name Generator

  • ideas for shop names
  • YouTube videos about the subject


Hits since 3rd Aug 2009: 

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