Miniature pirate projects for dollhouses, roomboxes and dioramas
Also see beach, water, bars
See also mermaids, sushi, Mediterranean, ice boats marine fish boxes and seafood
Links to miniature pirate projects
- photo albums, blog posts, webpages
Kolton's Getaway - by Rita Pierce
Pirates in a Bar - by Minna
Pirates in Jail - by Connie Sauve, from Disney's Pirates of the Carribean ride
Pirate Wench - by Cam
Captain's Quarters - by Minna
Treasure Island - by Minna
Pirates Cave - from Cristina Caballero
Pirate's Chest
Pirate Queen
Pirate Story - by
Treasure Cave - by Wanna in El Paso
Pirate Blogs
- Blogs concentrating on pirates or categories/labels about them in blogs
Pirate Groups
- Discussion groups, forums (or forum categories) and photo groups dedicated to pirates.
Pirate Supplies for sale
- Supplies needed for making pirate projects.
Miniature Pirates for sale
- Do you have a section for pirates in your shop? Add a direct link to that item here.
Pirate Books
- Books about miniature pirate projects (also books with chapters about them)
Instructions for miniature pirates
Miniature pirate printables
Pirate Wallpapers
- Wallpapers that go well with pirate projects
Other Pirate Printies
- Book/magazine covers related to pirates
Pirate Stock Photos - from Canstock
Pirate Treasure Map- from Printmini
Pirate Links
- links to sites showing how to make items related to pirates
Lady Pirate Costume - from Miniature Art
Pirate Hat (11-steps) - from
Pirate Issue - Frills and Fancy Magazine
Skull Pattern Cross-stitch - by Minna
Pirate Videos
- YouTube videos about miniature projects related to this subject
Pirate Research/ Inspiration
- All about Pirates - want to know about pirate movies, books, weapons, ships and biographies of real pirates? The Pirate King has it all!
- Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Long John Silver was one of the characters, and many TV and movie versions have been made.
- Robinson Crusoe - by Daniel Dafoe
Miniature Pirate Tips/Hints
Ideas about what is needed for these projects
- maps
- bottles/kegs of rum, brandy/grog
- rope, ships wheel, pistol
- booty..treasure!!! Maybe a pile of coins punched out of silver and gold paper or polymer clay coins, some gems strewn about the pile? A bit of gold chain...chest to hold it all
- crow's nest
- sails
- plank to walk, sharks circling boat
- damsel with hand tied, waiting for rescue, or lady pirate!
- ships wheel
- rope
- skeletons
- spyglass, navigational instruments
- peg leg and hook hand
- blunderbuss and powder horn, pistol, swords
- parrot
- skull with an eye patch
- tri-corner hat
- pirate flag, skull and crossbones
Links to inspiring pages
Costumers Guide to Pirates of the Carribean
Nautical Miniatures - from
Pirate Name Generator
- ideas for shop names
- YouTube videos about the subject
Hits since 3rd Aug 2009:

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