

Page history last edited by Linda McD 5 years, 8 months ago

The United States from the view of a miniaturist



What does the United States offer to miniaturists, both local and tourists?

also see American, Hawaiian, Native American, Southwest American, New Orleans, Florida and pages with tag american


Re-ment problem? no, why do you ask? 



Say Pepsi, please!
8 These spaces are for pictures (e.g. from a fair, club meeting, exhibition or miniatures made by local people

Dollhouse hobby history of the United States

  • summary of early beginnings in the hobby - when did the hobby start
  • Al Atkins was known as the Village Smithy and was an incredible artist. Mostly metal work. He passed away many years ago. He was an early member of IGMA.
  • Jane Bernier made miniature books, and  had a business called "Borrower's Press", was an IGMA fellow and published from 1974 to 1985.
  • Blauer, Ellen Krucker and John, owners of Maynard Manor, and its extensive  featured in Nutshell News, Sept 1981. Pieces were signed JMB and the business was called Miniature Mart.

  • Bobbie Schoonmaker achieved her legacy in the miniature world during the 1980s with her petitpoint designs in patterns, kits, paraphernalia and her sought-after finished pieces. Her work has been displayed in museums such as The Smithsonian in Washington, DC; Tiffany's Christmas windows in New York City and IGMA's first "Elements of Style" exhibit.
  • Don Buttfield was one of the founding members of IGMA and he was the one who suggested bringing a school to Castine, Maine, where their family vacationed in the summer. So, in 1981, the Guild School was born. He was a craftsmen beyond compare. He made miniatures in the 1970s that are in some ways, finer than pieces being made today. Absolute perfection
  • Chestnut Hill was a company that made wonderful furniture, for the time. To look at them now, the items are probably somewhat clunky but they were, at the time, the best of the best. Reta Cowles Johnson, a retired New York advertising executive, established Chestnut Hill Studio in 1947. It was then located in Churchville, NY. She had an interest in antiques, which led to her interest in miniature furniture. She and her husband, Arthur LeRoy Johnson, contributed many of the designs for their early pine line.
    CH designs were based on real examples in museums, reference books and private collections. Many of the pine pieces were made from pine that was over 100 years old, in order to achieve the mellow colors of the old wood.
  • Bluette Meloney - roomboxes and furniture, faux finishing and trompe l’oeil (also see here)
  • Roger Gutheil -  woodworking
  • Ernie Levy - museum class furniture
  • Helen Johnston Ulseth - Doll Artist
  • Obediah Fisher
  • Marsha Backstrom - dollmaker . Here is another article about her work.
  • Martha Hastings - a nationally recognized artisan, designer and instructor in miniature and doll house furniture, and for many years owned and operated a doll house shop, Miscellaneous, Inc., in Charlotte, NC.
  • Pearl Jordan -  OOAK dolls
  • Kupjack, Eugene and Henry. See the planned book about their rooms.
  • Joe Figs - sculptor and mixed media
  • Peggy Nisbet- artist of the 1970s-80s, a well-known English doll maker whose company makes character dolls, including many figures from British history.
  • John Noble - very well known maker of houses
  • Ed Norton makes lovely 1" and 1/2" furniture. His pieces are more readily available - beautiful construction and reasonably priced. A Mell Prescott award winning furniture maker.
  • Bert & Norma Oldham of Oldham Studio. Both IGMA Fellows and well known for their spinning wheels and other Colonial period pieces such as cider, cheese and butter presses. Many pieces were based on items in the Shelburne Museum in Vermont, the Winterthur Museum in Delaware, and the Philadelphia Museum and Lancaster Heritage Museum in Pennsylvania. They worked mostly in the 1980's.
  • Mell Prescott was a legend in early days of contemporary miniatures.. . the 70's. The common pieces are upholstered pieces but she made all sorts of furniture.The late Mell Prescott was an furniture maker par excellence, specializing in antique reproductions. The NAME Academy of Honor Mell Prescott Award given each year for excellence in miniatures is named after her.
  • William Robertson - furniture, tools 
  • Helen Ruthberg  was one of the originators of trash-to-treasure miniatures back in the 1970's and 1980's when 1/12th scale dollhouses, room settings and miniatures were the rage in this country. Many newer books on the craft of 1:12th scale minis are based on some of her ground-breaking ideas. The craft and craze of making to-scale miniatures is still alive and still attracting new addicts.
  • W. F. Tracy – made fantastic musical instruments (violin, bass, cello and others) that actually played!
  • Pat and Noel Thomas - famous for their "bug Juice"
  • Eileen and Sid Vernon - potters
  • Pitt Ginsberg - Bespaq furniture
  • Robert Olzewski - miniature figures , museum quality


Popularity of miniatures, approximate number of miniaturists, most popular scales


Well known Dollhouse Projects


Famous trademark related to dollhouses/dolls/miniatures




Famous artisans, miniaturists, writers


Photos, web pages, shops and blogs


On-line Digests

the CAMP

Wee Creations

Inch by Inch club - website and digest

Gsolfot Website - Lots of action here!

Are there digests which discuss American minis?



Add links to the United States' national and local clubs here, along with contact information.

Atlanta Miniature Club

Camden Miniature Display - dollhouses and roomboxes by the Palmetto Miniature Club of Columbia, South Carolina

The First State Mini Club - New Castle, Delaware

Traveller: Miniature World - from, Madison Wisconsin area miniature enthusiasts get together every week, and have so much fun. Charlotte is lighting her collection of Hallmark houses, Peggy is working on an amazing rug, Lori is working on trees for RIM, Linda is working on her wonderful flowers, and Peg was working on something fun. The focus was on Janice's marvellous dollhouse.



Check wiki photo_exhibits page.

List regularly scheduled shows by month and location e.g. September - annual show x, and link to website.



FAQ for people living in this country


As a newbie miniaturist, what should I know?

Develop a mini eye - not all miniatures are bought. Read the trash minis section of the wiki.


Where can I find the materials I need?

See the scrapbook stores e.g. for wallpapers, floors and embellishments for miniatures.


FAQ for visitors


Where can I find miniatures in an average town in this country?



What are the craft shops called or are there other places to try out?

Terms used for:

shop = mall, store

flea market = North American term

department store = North American term

crafts = North American term

dollhouse= Europeans use dolls house or doll house

miniatures= universal English term

toy shop= toy store


Famous scrapbook stores:


Famous craft stores:

Hobby Lobby

Jo-Anne fabric stores


AC Moore



What should I buy as a souvenirs?

Check the souvenir shops for magnets, key chains etc for small objects to be used in dollhouses

American magazines


When a friend of mine is going to this country, what should I ask her to bring me?

If she goes to scrapbook store ask her to bring you a set of papers


Hits since May 2010: 


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Comments (1)

Linda McD said

at 12:26 am on May 24, 2010

James Carrington is English, I believe. I moved him to the UK page and added a link.Great job on this page Johanna!

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