

Page history last edited by Linda McD 12 years ago

Mini treasures wiki´s traditional dollhouse miniature advent calendar 2012


The Advent calendar @ Mini treasures wiki comes this year with some nice surprises (aka give-aways). Follow the calendar each day to make sure you do not miss them. :)

3 generous participants have offered to award prizes. Each participant will chose among people who comment on their page, and send the prize in the New Year.

Take a look at who won!


See also advent calendar and christmas


Welcome to the fourth advent calendar. The earlier calendars


advent_calendar_2009 and



have been really popular

so of course we wanted to continue :).







1 Doreen P-

2  Anna Dourou

3 Sonja

4 Karen B

5  Brenda F.

6 Alice Zinn
7 Christine Verstraete
8 Gloria W
9 Carolyn Brown 10 Miniallsorts
11 Fern Rouleau
12 Jazzi Ash

13 Chris in France

14  Pat S
15 Linda Master
16  All Things Mini Group
17  Lisa Topping 
18 Maureen H
19  Dick Tabor
20  Janet Granger
21 Mary Ciccolella

22 Barbara Richmond

23 Adam and Sarah - Wee Creations
 24 Nukkekotielämä group (edited by Johanna)
25 Mini treasures Flickr group 



The Advent calendar starts on 1st of December, and every day from then on, until Christmas Day you will see a nice surprise, like.....


  • pictures from Christmas roomboxes
  • videos of dollhouses dressed for Christmas
  • instructions for Christmas minis
  • Christmas printables
  • collections of cool mini Christmas sites
  • picture stories from dollhouses
  • Christmas traditions from different countries (in small size)


If and when you want to participate, choose a date between 1 and 24, be quick since there is room only for 24 people (one window for a person). Click on the number link for the date you wish to reserve, which will take you to that calendar page. Click the Edit tab and and write "This page is reserved Your Name" (you need to be logged in to be able to edit). In December, on your chosen day, fill your page with a Christmas themed mini surprise. See wiki_faq for help: how to log in, edit, add links or pictures etc. If you are using Flickr see the instructions on how to add Flickr photos to our wiki.

More advent calendars for miniaturists 2012: 



You are also encouraged to promote the Advent calendar for your contacts. Use the buttons below e.g. in your blogs and web sites or use the Sharing options to one of your favorite social media service.


Want to make your own Advent Calendar?

Advientos - online advent calendar site



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Comments (8)

johanna janhonen said

at 11:29 am on Oct 5, 2012

If you want to reserve a page of your own, you can edit the table (add your name on the cell you want) or leave a comment here.

chris v said

at 3:52 pm on Oct 8, 2012

I can't pick the date but I wanted Dec. 7 - Christine Verstraete. Thank you!

johanna janhonen said

at 4:18 pm on Oct 8, 2012

Ok, 7th you will get - welcome :).

johanna janhonen said

at 3:19 pm on Oct 9, 2012

Cool, already 7 days reserved, way to go and welcome in ladies :).

Brenda Faubert said

at 10:23 am on Oct 10, 2012

Can I put a picture in for Dec 5th?

johanna janhonen said

at 12:56 pm on Oct 10, 2012

Sure, welcome in :)

chris v said

at 4:01 pm on Oct 16, 2012

ok i can access 12/7 - chris

Linda McD said

at 9:16 pm on Oct 17, 2012

Good to go, Chrus!

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